North Grove Enterprise
Medical Device O.E.M. outsourcing specialists
Our Business
Changing the Game
"Time is Money - Money is Time". We have all heard it before. Our goal is simple. As outsourcing specialists, we help medical device O.E.M's find products and services to fill their growth objectives. Use our 40+ years of manufacturing experience and connections to save you time and money.

Products & Services
Our most common outsourcing specialities of products and services for the orthopaedic industry include:
*Product design of implants and related instruments
*Brand identity, web design, SEO services, and full marketing services
*Standard hand-held instrumentation
*Contract manufacturing of implants and instrumentation to your design
*Silicone grip handles, screwdrivers, ratchet devices, torque products
*Regulatory and FDA guidance, IP support services, validation and documentation support
OM 60-0089/0900 Cervical Retractor Sets
The cervical retraction set is very flexible and can be used for both anterior and posterior cervical access saving on both cost and inventory for multiple systems. The set is available in either titanium blades for optimal imaging or stainless steel.

OM 50-1-10-751-10 Lumbar Retraction Set
The Lumbar Retraction Set provides customized solutions at the time of use with many blade lengths and styles. The blades are manufactured in titanium for light-weight strength and imaging placement

OM 8-860-29
Small Rod Cutter
This small hand-held rod cutter is well suited for 2.5mm - 3.0mm - or 3.5mm diameter rods. Rods cut clean and easily without leaving large burrs or jagged edges.

OM 60-0180
Large Rod Cutter W/Detachable Handles
Designed to cut 4.5mm up to 6.35mm diameter titanium and stainless steel implant rods and pins. Available with or without detachable handles. Optional base support available to convert into a table-top rod cutter for additional support for harder to cut rods.
P/N OM 60-0180 Rod Cutter
P/N OM 60-0185 Rod Cutter Base

23806060 Multi-Size Tabletop Rod Cutter
The tabletop rod cutter is one of the smallest, lightweight, and ergonomic rod cutters on the market today. The handles flip out for added leverage and the base plate slides out for extra support, making cutting rods a snap! With multiple sizes combined into one unit, it can be used for a variety of different procedures and implant systems saving inventory and money!

5.50mm Rod Gripper
Gorilla Strong! Narrow yet strong grip-strength for use in smaller surgical openings. Provides for accurate rod placement and rotation within the surgical site. Easily compress/distract against device for pedicle screw fixation. Available in a number of common sizes.

B Style Silicone Grip Handles
Our "B" style silicone grip handles are ergonomic, have a stainless steel core and end cap if impaction is required, and come in a variety of colors and 2 sizes. Product may be cannulated for use with guide wires and pins.

D Style Silicone Grip Handles
Our "D" style silicone grip handles are most commonly used for in-line and ratcheting type screwdrivers, torque limiting devices, curette systems, are ergonomic, have a stainless steel core and end cap if impaction is required, and come in a variety of colors and sizes. Product may be cannulated for use with guide wires and pins.

E Style Silicone Grip Handles
Our "E" style silicone grip handles are used similar to the "D" style handles and are most commonly used for in-line and ratcheting type screwdrivers, torque limiting devices, curette systems, are ergonomic, have a stainless steel core and end cap if impaction is required, and come in a variety of colors and sizes. Product may be cannulated for use with guide wires and pins.

F Style Silicone Grip Handles
The "F" style silicone grip handles are commonly used for drill guides, in-line screwdrivers, torque limiting devices, bayonet curette systems, especially for cervical applications, and custom products. The 2 flats are great for grip and visual alignment of the distal working ends of the product used. The core is stainless steel and may be cannulated when required. The product is available in a variety of colors and sizes.

H Style Silicone Grip Handles
The "H" style handles are designed for use with mallets and other such devices where grip strength and weight of instruments require secure grip. Product is available in a variety of colors to suit your specific needs.

I Style Silicone Grip Handles
The new "swirl" patterned silicone grip handles add a unique visual design pattern that is pleasing to look at and maintains a great grip during use of the instrument. Products come in a variety of colors and applications to choose from.

K Style Silicone Grip Handles
"K" style handles are often found on spinal probes, wrenches, in-line and ratcheting type screwdrivers, and torque limiting devices. The round or egg style design fits most comfortably in the palm of the hand. Most "K" style handles are available with the stainless steel impact cap, may be solid or cannulated, and may be purchased in a variety of colors.

P-R-T Style Silicone Grip Handles
The "P" style handle can be found on a variety of products, most commonly with screwdriver driver shafts and cannulated for suturing procedures. The "R" style handle is great for retractor systems and drill guides for a secure grip. The "T" style handles are most commonly used with fixed and ratcheting screwdrivers, torque devices, and custom products. The "P" and "T" style handles may be cannulated and all handles are available in a variety of standard colors.

Quick Connect Devices
Our economic and easy to use quick connects can be paired with almost any handle and may be cannulated. Add a convenient ratcheting mechanism or torque feature for full control. Available coupling systems include:
Standard AO
Large AO
1/4" Square
Zimmer style
Hudson Style
Drill Chucks

Torque limit devices
More value for your investment!
Let's face it. We all want a quality product for a reasonable price, right? Now you can get more value for the same price with our torque limiting devices. Our product line has a unique mechanism that allows us to guarantee our accuracy for the life of the product (3 years). With an offering of different handles and quick connections, you can be assured of getting the most out your investment. Many of our competitors torque products are only accurate for 6-12 months. In this case, you get a lot more value for a similar price. What are you waiting for? Contact us today to see how we can help minimize both cost of product over time and exposure to an unreliable product in the field. If it were me on the operating table, I'd choose a product that is fully validated and accurate. What do you choose? With so many variables to offer, we ask you to send us the following information and then we will provide the cooresponding drawing and quotation:
*quick connection desired
*style and size of handle
*color of handle
*solid or cannulated
*torque required
*quantity needed

Mallet with Replaceable Heads
The mallet has a firm and comfortable silicone grip handle. One head is made of high quality German stainless steel and the other a softer co-polymer head for more delicate procedures. Heads can be removed and replaced easily if damaged.

OM 27-0135
#4 Knife Blade Holder
This ergonomic knife blade holder comes with a comfortable silicone handle for precise work for a sure grip during surgery. Also available for standard #11 blades.

Carlson Pronator Retractor
The standard Mini Hohmann Retractor is commonly used for retracting soft tissue during distal radius fracture repair. However, one of the biggest disadvantages of a Mini Hohmann is that it’s not wide enough to retract the pronator quadratus muscle so that there is adequate exposure of the bone. The new Carlson Pronator Retractor® was designed with an elongated wing portion that retracts a much wider section of the pronator for greater exposure. The hook at the end of the retractor engages the radius as the wing retracts the pronator, but the wing does not contact the median nerve. The section above the wing which contacts the median nerve has been narrowed to avoid excessive pressure, and possible damage to the nerve.

Clean Wave Kerrisons
In most spinal punches, tissue and debris can collect and remain trapped between the main body and slider. This build-up can impede the smooth function of the instrument and prevent proper sterilization as a result of not being completely cleaned prior to sterilization.
The "Clean Wave Punch" has a slider with a wave-like shaped design which allows cleaning brushes easier access through the recesses and openings between the components.
*The wave like shape reduces friction providing a smoother function
*The forward angled foot plate provides precise and controlled cutting action
*Product has a thin foot plate design for narrow spaces
*A bone ejector is incorporatedinto the design of the 2mm-5mm bite sizes
*Manufactured from high-quality German steel
*Satin finish reduces glare

Bayonet Spinal Kerrisons
We provide a complete line of bayonet style kerrisions for spinal procedures. Products have a black coating to minimize glare in the surgical site. Our offerings include may tip sizes, angles, thickness options and lengths to fit your specific needs.

Easy-Clean Depth Gages
Simplicity at it's best! Most depth gages are bulky and have narrow pockets where blood and tissue may gather or become lodged and difficult to clean. The "Easy-Clean" series of depth gages solve this problem. The narrow internal slider comes right out the back of the main body for easy cleaning and that's it! Nothing complicated about it. Just simple!

OM 49-0708 5.50mm Rod Holding Forcep
The forcep is designed to hold smaller spinal implant rods for initial placement within the pedicle screws. Also available in other sizes.

OM 49-0814 Cervical Plate Bender
The Plate Bender is ideally suited for cervical and thin plating systems, up to 2.5mm in thickness. The rollers allow for smooth bending of the plates for customization.

OM 60-0220 5.50mm Narrow Nose Rod Gripper
The narrow style nose provides better placement of the spinal rod within the pedicle screw. The solid body design can be used for compression/distraction while delivering high grip strength for rod rotation. Available for other size rods

OM 60-0230 5.50mm Power Grip Vise Grip
The Power Grip of this device allows for excellent grip of the spinal rod, especially for longer constructs where the rod may be difficult to rotate. Product is available in additional sizes to fit your specific rod diameter.

Distal Radiolucent Retractors
Strong, thin and lightweight, the carbon fiber swivel blades allow direct visualization within the wound site. Maximizing exposure while minimizing soft tissue stress and trauma was paramount to the design considerations. Short, blunt atraumatic teeth along each blades leading edge improve grip, yet minimize the potential for trauma to the vulnerable median and ulnar nerves. The curved interface surfaces distribute the distention forces of retraction while the lateral edges are carefully rounded to avoid injury to soft tissues. The swivel action allows each blade the freedom to respond and distribute the counter-forces as retraction increases.

BB 56-1236 Wedge Spreader
The Wedge Spreader is used for small bone applications. The "Wedge" incorporates specially designed blades, which when closed, smoothly slide between the tightest of bone spaces. As the blades distract, the deep serrations engage the intra-articular surface for a sure grip. No drilling, no rasping - just insert and distract!

Deep Weitlaner Retractors
For use in holding small incisions open during surgery. We offer depths of either 25mm or 30mm length blades and in either blunt or sharp tips.

Kirschner Wires
Precision manufactured in Germany from certified implant materials. Longer, gently tapered points for easier penetration. Smoothly hand polished, causing less trauma when removed. Product is sold with six pieces to a package. Custom products can be manufactured to your specifications.

OM 47-0890 Pin Puller
Universal Pin Puller
For pulling out K-Wires and Nails of Ø1,5-3,5mm
Length: 14cm | 5,51"

OM 48-0325 Cerclage Wire Twister/Cutter
Use one device to both twist and cut 0.8-1.2mm cerclage wires. Simple and easy to use!

Product Development and Engineering Services
Trying to get your implant ideas off the ground and into reality? Here at North Grove Enterprise, we work with long established businesses looking to expand or startup businesses that just do not know how to make things happen. With our expertise, we can create all the drawings, working models, prototypes, test protocols and validations, FDA submissions, to full product release, including related instrumentation systems. We have the expertise and long history to make this a reality. Smooth, concise, and cost effective. North Grove Enterprise - Make us your development partner today.

Marketing Services
Whether you are a startup or well-established business, we can help strengthen your brand awareness. Our 7-Point plan can give you the boost needed to increase sales potential. Offering all phases of marketing assistance from
Start to finish:
*Create a "Brand Identity"
*Develop or upgrade an existing website
*Social media publications
*Printed marketing materials
*Trade show "value added" services
*S.E.O. services
If you are really serious about building a better brand, give us a call.

Contract Manufacturing Services
Let’s talk about how we can fulfill your manufacturing needs. All equipment/processes including additive manufacturing are fully validated assuring you the best quality possible. Our “lights out” machining provides great cost management activities saving you money and shortening potential lead times.

Broach Manufacturing and Inserters
We offer full manufacturing services for complex broaches and related inserter/extractors to your specifications. Whether you need assistance for hips, shoulders, small joints, our staff has you covered with the technical experience you need to produce quality and sharp products consistently.

Knee Implant Inserters
Our customizable inserter/extractor securely holds your implants for proper insertion within the surgical site. The articulating arms hold the implant securely while the handle is turned to lock it in place and may be impacted on the end of the handle. The copolymer pad protects the working surface of the implant from any potential damage during placement. handle.

Cutting Blocks
With our skilled technical and experienced engineers and manufacturing people, we provide customized solutions for manufacturing intricate cutting blocks. Products are manufactured to your quality requirements and tight specifications.

If you don't see what you are looking for, send us a message. We have access to thousands of standard hand-held orthopaedic instruments.